Mechanics Liens Attorney

Mechanics Liens are widely regarded as one of the thorniest areas of litigation in Illinois. Hyper-technical and often non-intuitive, the Illinois Mechanics Lien Act can trip up the most seasoned of practitioners. The theory is straightforward – contractors, sub-contractors, and consumers of building projects, both residential and commercial, can rely upon the provisions of the Mechanics Lien Act to protect themselves during the building process. In practice, however, unless the provisions of the Act are precisely followed, consumers of building projects, both commercial and residential, can wind up paying twice for the same services and building materials. Contractors and subcontractors can lose their valuable right to lien a property for their unpaid services and materials. The Act has strict deadlines and notice requirements which must be followed. It is best to consult an attorney with knowledge and expertise in the Act before beginning any remodeling or building project, one who can highlight areas of potential concern in your contract, and guide you going forward. If your project is already underway and you suspect issues, contact an attorney right away to review the circumstances, and whether any action is immediately called for. A small amount of prevention can truly ward off an expensive array of problems in a Mechanics Lien scenario, and remember, the first 30-minute consultation with the Zalc Law Firm is always free!

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